Ready to Roll? Join Us for Board Games and Net­work­ing on April 10th!

Are you ready to get your board game and net­work­ing on? We’re back it again, with anoth­er one of our amaz­ing board game nights and net­work­ing on the 10th of April 2024.

We’re team­ing up with Bloom Oy again to cre­ate an epic evening for every­one to have some fun and meet new peo­ple.

We’ll have some spe­cial guests from the City of Oulu’s Event Ser­vices join­ing us, they’ll be speak­ing specif­i­cal­ly about free events hap­pen­ing in Oulu. There will also be snacks, cof­fee and tea avail­able for every­one enjoy.

Reg­is­ter now to save your spot!