Results of International House Oulu’s Multilingual Immigrant Survey

Research Findings on the Integration of Immigrants in Oulu and Their Experiences
International House Oulu wanted to hear from immigrants in Oulu about their experiences living in the city to better understand the challenges and key factors of immigrant integration. The survey was conducted in the spring of 2024, using both electronic and on paper formats in ten different languages. Of the respondents, 61% answered in English, 13% in Finnish, and 26% in other languages.
Diverse Responses from Residents in Various Situations
A total of 448 people who had moved to Oulu for various reasons participated in the survey. 38% of respondents moved to Oulu for work or study, while 36% cited family reasons for their move. Additionally, several respondents (15%) moved to Oulu for asylum or temporary protection.
The survey received a broad range of responses from different age groups. Majority of the responses came from individuals aged between 35–49 (52%) and 18–34 (38%). Most respondents were women (57%).
The employment status of respondents varied. The largest group of respondents, comprising 27%, was employed. Students pursuing degrees accounted for 26%, the unemployed 20%, and those in integration training 19%. Among the respondents, the willingness to work was strong; 86% of those not already working or retired were ready to accept a job if offered.
Challenges and Key Factors in Immigrant Integration in Oulu
Respondents were also asked about their personal assessment of how well they felt integrated into Oulu. 76% felt well or adequately integrated, 21% felt their integration process was still ongoing, and only 4% felt poorly integrated. When asked what factors they believed had facilitated their integration, friends (40%), workplace (30%), and educational opportunities (37%) were the major factors cited.
Ease of using English daily in Oulu (28%) and the perception of Oulu as an immigrant-friendly city (28%) were also noted as facilitating integration.
Difficulties finding a job (65%), making friends (especially Finnish friends) (40%), and the lack of information available in English (26%) were cited as barriers to integration.
Job Searching Difficulties in Oulu
About 73% of the respondents had tried to find a job, while 22% had no experience of job searching. According to the responses, job searching is difficult for immigrants in Oulu. When asked about the easy aspects of the job search process, a significant majority of those who sought work (87%) could not name a single easy aspect. Many challenges were noted, with language barriers (35%) and accessing the job market (18%) being prominent.
Information Sought from Various Sources, Challenges in Using Online Services
Respondents commonly sought information from the City of Oulu’s website (71%), friends (68%), and Facebook (54%). and its website was also frequently used (52%).
When asked what additional information they would like, of the 224 respondents who answered this question, 34% wanted more information on employment and career services, 11% on education and children’s issues, and 10% on practical everyday matters.
Those who found online services difficult to use cited a lack of Finnish language skills as a barrier (54%). Poorly designed websites, unclear instructions, and the need for technical guidance also made using online services challenging.
How Will We Use the Results?
International House Oulu would like to thank each respondent: every response is valuable in developing the services of International House Oulu and improving the quality of life for those who have moved to Oulu.
International House Oulu will further analyze these results based on different groupings and key factors. Development actions will begin after the summer. We will also communicate the survey results internally and to partners during the fall.
*Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.
For more information
Fangying (Fanni) Li
Project Specialist
Educational and Cultural Services, International House Oulu
p. 040 617 4470