Tips for Job Searching Process

Would you like to learn more about Finnish work culture, the job searching process, and where to find job opportunities? Are you wondering what to include in a job application?
Interested in hearing a personal story about integrating into Finnish society and working life? Do you want to expand your network? If you answered yes, join us on Wednesday, December 13, 2024, from 5 to 8 PM at BusinessAsema.
Please register using the link below so that we can prepare the right amount of tea, coffee, and snacks.
- Time: Wed 13.12.2023, 17–20
- Place: BusinessAsema, Lava, Hallituskatu 36 B, 90100 Oulu
- Register by Mon 11.12.2023:
The evening’s program:
- Details matter – personalize your work application: Miiu Koskela Customer service agent from ISS
- Life experience in Finland with cultural diversity: Rajesh Raveendran, M.Sc., Doctoral Researcher from the University of Oulu
- Finnish working culture: Johanna Karjula and Anna-Mari Mäkelä from OSKE
- Networking
See you on Wednesday. Welcome!