Welcome to the Study Opportunities in Oulu Event
If you are considering a career change, further education or Finnish language studies – this event is for you!
Join us on Tuesday, 16th January, from 5 pm to 8 pm, at BusinessAsema.
This event will include networking and a lot of information about study opportunities, e.g. self-motivated education, part-time and full-time studies, joint application and language studies.
The event is tailored especially for international talents and their spouses who are planning a career change, higher education, or Finnish language studies. Attendance is free of charge and everyone is welcome. The event will be conducted in English.
- Register now: lyyti.fi/reg/Study_opportunities_in_Oulu_2152
- Time: Tuesday 16.1.2024, 5–8 pm
- Place: BusinessAsema, Lava, Hallituskatu 36 B, Oulu
More information about the event:
Johanna Karjula, Oulu Skills Centre
Opiskelumahdollisuudet Oulussa
Jos olet suunnittelemassa alan vaihtoa, jatko-opintoja tai suomen kielen opiskelua – tämä tapahtuma on sinua varten.
Tule kuulolle tiistaina 16. tammikuuta kello 17–20 BusinessAsemalle. Tapahtuma sisältää myös verkostoitumista. Se on avoin kaikille, ja se järjestetään englanniksi.