“I feel posi­ti­ve about my pos­si­bi­li­ties here”

Woman with flowers

Niy­ati Kan­di­kan­ti is an ambas­sa­dor for Oulu Talent Hub, and she enjo­ys networ­king. – The­re are many oppor­tu­ni­ties in Oulu to inte­ract with other inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents and visit new places, Niy­ati says.


Hi, I’m Niy­ati! I’m an ambas­sa­dor for Oulu Talent Hub, and I’d like to sha­re with you some things about myself and my expe­riences.

Born in the city of Hyde­ra­bad, India, hig­her educa­tion stu­dies have taken me to many places in India, Ger­ma­ny and Fin­land. My pre­vious educa­tion inclu­des a licen­tia­te degree in phar­macy, a diplo­ma in cli­nical data mana­ge­ment and stu­dies at Ulm Uni­ver­si­ty, Ger­ma­ny.

I have wor­ked as a cli­nical phar­macist, a bio­me­dical data mana­ge­ment intern, a uni­ver­si­ty lec­tu­rer, a research intern in neu­roscience, phar­maco­lo­gy and toxico­lo­gy and mic­roflui­dics and a post­gra­dua­te researc­her stu­dying ext­racel­lu­lar vesicles.

Niyati Kandikanti


Most people say home is whe­re the heart is. With my dri­ving ques­tions aiming for bet­ter healthca­re inter­ven­tions, my heart is set on fin­ding answers. I’m a healthca­re pro­fes­sio­nal stu­dying to be a bio­me­dical researc­her. I am still as star-struck by the peace, the beau­ti­ful natu­re, and the love­ly people of Oulu, just as on my very first snowy Decem­ber day. The­re must be somet­hing in the air that brings out the best in me.

I came across Oulu when I was searc­hing for hig­her educa­tion in Euro­pe. I found some inte­res­ting things about life in Fin­land and was att­rac­ted by the qua­li­ty of research, the flexi­bi­li­ty of the pro­gram­mes and the inter­na­tio­nal exc­han­ges at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu. Whi­le I turn 30, I’m soon to comple­te my double-degree Molecu­lar Medici­ne MSc at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu.

Career goals can be chal­len­ging, but I have found Oulu to be a place that allows me balance stu­dies, work and life. The­re are laws pro­tec­ting the safe­ty and well­being of all groups of people, which gives me a sen­se of sta­bi­li­ty and secu­ri­ty in all dai­ly acti­vi­ties – from the food I eat to the work I do.

Niyati Kandikanti


Coming to educa­tion, I like the hig­her educa­tion sys­tem here in Fin­land. My stu­dies are very flexible and per­so­na­li­sed, in that I can pick and choo­se the cour­ses that I am inte­res­ted in to comple­te my degree.

Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty has two major streams in the field of bioc­he­mi­stry: Pro­tein Science and Molecu­lar Medici­ne. I am pur­suing a double-degree MSc in Molecu­lar Medici­ne – a unique type of degree recog­ni­sed by two dif­fe­rent universities—the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu, Fin­land and Ulm Uni­ver­si­ty, Ger­ma­ny – whe­re I comple­ted part of my stu­dies.

My favou­ri­te part of my stu­dies is the huge research com­po­nent invol­ved and the inter­na­tio­nal expe­rience. Coming from the cli­nical phar­macy discipli­ne, my bioc­he­mi­stry lab skills were limi­ted. But now I am lear­ning new skills and I am wor­king with mul­tiple research groups focused on inte­res­ting topics. I feel much more con­fi­dent wor­king in the lab now whi­le hand­ling my own master’s the­sis pro­ject.

Niyati Kandikanti


I enjoy networ­king. The­re are many oppor­tu­ni­ties in Oulu to inte­ract with other inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents and visit new places, such as the annual ESN stu­dent crui­se. I feel that the balance between fun and res­pon­si­bi­li­ty great­ly impro­ves my stu­dent expe­rience in Fin­land.

I like taking oppor­tu­ni­ties to explo­re my teamwork and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve skills. I get to take part in an acti­vi­ty-pac­ked life, as Oulu has seve­ral oppor­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents and pro­fes­sio­nals to enga­ge in rec­rea­tio­nal and proac­ti­ve events.

At the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu, I have seve­ral stu­dent posi­tions, inclu­ding being a stu­dent well­being tutor, stu­dent ambas­sa­dor and a member/deputy mem­ber of seve­ral stu­dent union com­mit­tees (FSHS Health Wor­king Group, the Stu­dent Well­being Wor­king Group, the Equa­li­ty and Diver­si­ty Wor­king Group, the Uni­ver­si­ty Col­le­gium, the Educa­tion Com­mit­tee).

I’m also an ambas­sa­dor for Stu­dy in Fin­land. Well­being Tuto­ring is an OYY (The Stu­dent Union of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu) pro­ject mana­ged by the stu­dent union of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu and fun­ded by the Mini­stry of Educa­tion and Cul­tu­re. It is inten­ded to impro­ve hob­by acti­vi­ties for the phy­sical, men­tal, social and emo­tio­nal well­being of stu­dents in Fin­nish hig­her educa­tion. This pro­gram­me helps me do many things I love, like making friends, visi­ting places, coo­king, playing table ten­nis, taking sce­nic walks, sup­por­ting my peers, etc., and sha­ring the­se hob­bies with them.


I think more people should know what Oulu and Fin­land have to offer, as this is an undisco­ve­red des­ti­na­tion of inte­rest. It’s not just the res­pon­si­bi­li­ties but fun events like the Maa­il­ma soi (a fun mul­ti­na­tio­nal event), cul­tu­re-the­med fes­ti­vals like Japa­ni-päi­vä (Japan day), Väri­käs ravin­to­la (colour­ful res­tau­rant), hob­by acti­vi­ties, etc. I also have a new­found love for blog­ging and sha­ring my expe­riences and sug­ges­tions with rea­ders. I even got to meet a popu­lar sin­ger (Auro­ra) at one event.

The Fin­nish lan­gua­ge is a bit tric­ky, but the uni­ver­si­ty offers free lan­gua­ge cour­ses to stu­dents. Most people unders­tand and speak English well, so it’s not a problem when you’re tra­vel­ling or sett­ling in.

What star­ted off with “Hei” and “Moi moi” to the friend­ly bus dri­vers who wave back to you befo­re and after each ride, in the one year that I have spent here in Fin­land, my voca­bu­la­ry has cer­tain­ly been impro­ving. What with much help from my dear friends, and thanks to litt­le exc­han­ges with the locals, albeit with my bro­ken gram­mar, I was able to get through a ful­ly Fin­nish lan­gua­ge-held inter­view for a sum­mer interns­hip. I see that as progress in the right direc­tion!

One thing I have noticed about myself is that I am much more out­going now than befo­re. In Fin­land, the­re are many beau­ti­ful forests and lakes whe­re I get to enjoy the beau­ty of natu­re – a natu­re that’s cons­tant­ly trans­for­ming and beco­ming more mes­me­ri­sing with eve­ry sea­son! Eve­ry time I step out, I feel rec­har­ged with ener­gy. I’ve noticed my pers­pec­ti­ve on chal­len­ges chan­ging from the usual stres­sing out to down­right exci­te­ment!

In a way, this feels like my fresh start – to be more in cont­rol of my life, career and well­being. As for my career, things have been going accor­ding to plan so far. I feel posi­ti­ve about my pos­si­bi­li­ties here, and Fin­land makes me hap­py about both my pre­sent and my futu­re.

If you’re loo­king to apply for stu­dies in Oulu, Fin­land, visit the Stu­dyin­fo web­si­te.

This article was ori­gi­nal­ly publis­hed at oulutalenthub.fi

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