Oulu­Health Labs

Man lying on a hospital bed while doctors perform diagnoses on their smart phones.

The aim of Oulu­Health Labs is to pro­mo­te the launch of user-friend­ly pro­ducts and ser­vices on the mar­ket and thus enhance social and health care proces­ses and the well-being of citizens. Thee are three dif­fe­rent envi­ron­ments avai­lable.

Oys Test­Lab is an aut­hen­tic, hos­pi­tal-based deve­lop­ment and tes­ting envi­ron­ment whe­re com­pa­nies recei­ve direct feed­back on their pro­duct deve­lop­ment from real users. Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal will use the lab to deve­lop its proces­ses and to model plans for the new Futu­re Hos­pi­tal cur­rent­ly under con­struc­tion. Oys Test­Lab can simu­la­te ope­ra­ting theat­res, recep­tions, wards, cont­rol rooms, wai­ting rooms and so on. The faci­li­ties inclu­de 3D vir­tual space and 5G test network.

Oamk Sim­Lab is a compre­hen­si­ve simu­la­tion and stu­dio envi­ron­ment that com­pa­nies and part­ners can use as a tes­ting and deve­lop­ment envi­ron­ment in the pro­duct deve­lop­ment of health tech­no­lo­gy and well­ness ser­vices.

Oulu Wel­fa­re­Lab is a tes­ting envi­ron­ment whe­re the end users are in clients’ and patients’ homes and in the ope­ra­tio­nal envi­ron­ment of social and health care ser­vices in the city. Both pro­fes­sio­nals in the sec­tor and clients give direct feed­back on a pro­duct that is under deve­lop­ment.

Trial platform website
