What is Smart City Oulu
If you have an idea that you wish to develop into a finished product, you have come to the right place. Oulu has all the know-how and facilities to productise, test, finance, and commercialise your innovation.
You may be familiar with Oulu’s history as the hometown of radio technology and the rapid development up to the world-leading 6G research. OuluHealth, on the other hand, represents the top of health technology, while Oulu Automotive Cluster offers the latest innovations in vehicular technology. You can find more world-class expertise on these pages.
Behind all this is the Oulu Innovation Alliance (OIA), a cohesive partnership network of education, research, business, and the public sector. The stakeholders of the alliance have joint goals, resources, challenges, and possibilities to make things happen. OIA makes use of testing and development environments and available co-creation services for developing business. You are welcome to join in!
Stay alert. A smart city never sleeps – it keeps producing new things. Keep track of developments, ask questions and comment. Participate and influence.
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Trial services
Trial services are tailored according to your needs. We will find a suitable environment for your trial and plan the method of its execution.
From idea to implementation. Smart technology allows creation of better solutions to improve daily life in the city.