Tri­al ser­vices

Tri­al ser­vices are tai­lored accord­ing to your needs. We will find a suit­able envi­ron­ment for your tri­al and plan the method of its exe­cu­tion.

Business­Oulu tri­al ser­vices

Fast tri­als in Oulu speed up the cre­ation of new things and bring pro­to­types to prac­ti­cal test­ing in a real envi­ron­ment with real users. You will quick­ly get valu­able feed­back on how your ser­vice or prod­uct works in a gen­uine envi­ron­ment, what kind of part­ners your busi­ness requires, and if your planned busi­ness and rev­enue gen­er­a­tion mod­els are real­is­tic. The tri­als also give com­pa­nies valu­able mar­ket ref­er­ences and vis­i­bil­i­ty in dif­fer­ent media.

Are you in need of a tri­al? We can help you find a suit­able tri­al envi­ron­ment and reach poten­tial test users. Fill in this form, and we shall be in touch.

Read more about Business­Oulu ser­vices

More infor­ma­tion

Pir­jo Koskinie­mi
Man­ag­er, Open Inno­va­tion Ser­vices
040 592 5375

Liisa Pietikäi­nen
Spe­cial­ist, Open Inno­va­tion Ser­vices
040 7050 473