Resca and futu­re houses

Hybrid is not just a car, it can also be a house

As part of the Inur­deco pro­ject, a renewable ener­gy pilot area was built in Kivik­ko­kan­gas in Hiuk­ka­vaa­ra whe­re com­pa­nies can test and com­pa­re dif­fe­rent tech­no­lo­gies for renewable ener­gy and get use­ful infor­ma­tion on wor­kable solu­tions. The pilot area in Hiuk­ka­vaa­ra was disco­ve­red toget­her with land and land use plan­ning. Com­pa­nies could par­tici­pa­te in an open search for buil­ding lots in the area. It pro­ved to be a success as all the lots were assig­ned.

As the­re was no district heat in the pilot area, it was ideal for com­pa­ring various new tech­no­lo­gies. The fol­lowing solu­tions were imple­men­ted in the area: block-speci­fic elect­rici­ty and heat pro­duc­tion with wood chips, a house equip­ped with 40 squa­re meter solar panels, and a geot­her­mal hybrid house with a water fireplace.

In the Futu­re Houses and Renewable Ener­gy pro­ject, Resca’s solu­tions for futu­re housing were eva­lua­ted and tech­no­lo­gies were deve­lo­ped furt­her in col­la­bo­ra­tion with the con­struc­tion industry. The basic objec­ti­ve was to opti­mize the ener­gy efficiency of dif­fe­rent ener­gy sources or com­bi­na­tions the­reof as well as buil­dings into tech­nical­ly and eco­no­mical­ly viable enti­ties. The best choices were made into replicable, recom­men­ded concepts for both con­su­mers and busi­nes­ses in the industry.

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