The most inspir­ing recruit­ment event in the uni­verse – Mega­Match­mak­ing 14.9.


Meet employ­ers, start net­work­ing, learn the best tips and tricks with the job hunt, and find your­self a new posi­tion at the super-inter­est­ing Mega­Match­mak­ing recruit­ment event.

Mega­Match­mak­ing is one of the biggest recruit­ment events in Fin­land. Last year, 2 000 job­seek­ers par­tic­i­pat­ed in the event. This year, we’re ren­o­vat­ing the event – mak­ing it even big­ger and more aes­thet­ic. We will offer a var­ied pro­gramme in Finnish and Eng­lish on two stages.

Save the date: Mega­Match­mak­ing will take place at Oulun Tullisali, (Tyrnävän­tie 16) on 14 Sep­tem­ber from 9–15. The event is free of charge. Come and join us!

There is a free bus ser­vice from the cen­tre of Oulu to the event.

The pro­gramme is in Tullisali:

Stage 1 (in Finnish)

Stage 2 (in Eng­lish)

The pro­gramme and list of pre­sen­ters will be updat­ed dur­ing the sum­mer­time.

Look the com­pa­nies which are also hir­ing Eng­lish speak­ing employ­ees:

Also stop by:

Career café – You can chat with experts with a wide range of top­ics includ­ing career choice, EURES (job search abroad and for for­eign­ers look­ing for work in Fin­land), train­ing advice, career guid­ance, entre­pre­neur­ship and start-up fund­ing, and ser­vices for immi­grants.

CV pho­to­shoot – There will also be a CV pho­to­shoot desk where job­seek­ers can have a pro­fes­sion­al pho­to­graph tak­en for their CV (free of charge).

The event is organ­ised by Business­Oulu and the TE-Office of North Ostro­both­nia.