News and events

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Net­work­ing and Board Games Event

Welcome to an Engaging Networking and Board Games Event at International House Oulu! Connect, mingle, and engage yourself in an enjoyable evening of networking and board game excitement.

“Dig Deep Into Your Con­nec­tions”

The MegaMatchmaking, a premier recruitment fair where recruiters and jobseekers have an opportunity to interact, was held on the 14th of September at Tullisalli in Oulu.

Foot­ball Thrives in Oulu: AC Oulu’s Pas­sion Ignites City’s Sport­ing Fer­vor

Football, widely known as soccer, has firmly entrenched itself within Finland's sporting tapestry, and Oulu stands as no exception to this phenomenon.

Being an Ital­ian exchange stu­dent in Oulu

Giorgia Tononi is a 17-year-old exchange student hailing from Italy. She has embarked on a captivating journey to the land of a thousand lakes and a myriad of seasons.

Inter­na­tion­al Tal­ent Day

Haluaisitko tarjota kansainväliselle osaajalle mahdollisuuden tutustua yrityksesi toimintaan? Lähtemällä mukaan annat opiskelijalle tai jo valmistuneelle tärkeää tietoa suomalaisesta työelämästä.

Meet Nada Abass! A Sto­ry All About Explor­ing Dif­fer­ent Cul­tures, Study­ing, and Con­nec­tions

Nada Abass is originally from Egypt and currently living in Finland. She is pursuing her master's degree in Digital Marketing and Corporate Communications at University of Jyväskylä.

From Ghana to Fin­land: Luku­manu’s path to Project Man­age­ment

In a world full of opportunities, Lukumanu Iddrisu’s remarkable journey took him from the vibrant streets of Ghana to the unique city of Vaasa, Finland.

Call­ing all Inter­na­tion­al Tal­ent!

Oulu Chamber of Commerce along with University of Oulu and International House Oulu as part of their international week activities, are organizing the International talent days in November 16–18th.

Oulu’s Heavy Met­al Scene: Unveil­ing the City’s Musi­cal Pow­er

Exploring the Resounding Culture of Heavy Metal Music and Its Impact on Oulu.

Embrac­ing the Mag­ic of Oulu: A Jour­ney of Inte­gra­tion and Explo­ration

My name is Pavani, and I am delighted to share my incredible journey arriving in the enchanting city of Oulu, Finland, in August 2022. Hailing from the beautiful island of Sri Lanka,