News and events

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Join us for an authen­tic Matcha Morn­ing with IH Oulu Ambas­sadors

Do you want to experience Japanese matcha? This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn how to make matcha and explore the tea culture in Japan!

Cel­e­brat­ing Sum­mer: High­lights of the IH Oulu Ambas­sadors’ Pic­nic Event

Yesterday, we had a fantastic picnic at Nallikari beach with the International House Oulu and its Ambassadors!

Max’s Expe­ri­ence: Set­tling Down and Thriv­ing in Oulu

Max's journey from a small town near London to settling down in Oulu is nothing short of inspiring! From unexpected twists in his career to finding a sense of belonging in a new country, Max shares his amazing experience.

Morn­ing Cof­fee & Chat with IH Oulu Ambas­sadors

Join us for a delightful morning at International House Oulu with our ambassadors.

Mid­sum­mer Pho­to Con­test – Show Us Your Cel­e­bra­tion and Win a IH Oulu T‑shirt

Celebrate Midsummer with International House Oulu. Join our photo contest and stand a chance to win an exclusive IH Oulu T-shirt.

Join the Pic­nic with IH Oulu Ambas­sadors

What better way to spend a summer day than a picnic on the beach? Come to the funnest event in June.

Results of Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu’s Mul­ti­lin­gual Immi­grant Sur­vey

International House Oulu wanted to hear from immigrants in Oulu about their experiences living in the city to better understand the challenges and key factors of immigrant integration.

Embrac­ing Change: Far­i­ha’s Jour­ney from Dha­ka to Oulu

Meet Fariha, a master’s student in Education and Globalisation at the University of Oulu. From the bustling streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh, to the serene charm of Oulu, Finland, her journey has been nothing short of a transformative one.

Prepar­ing for Life and Work in Oulu – Webi­nar Recap

We recently hosted an insightful webinar “Preparing for Life and Work in Finland” aimed to provide information to prospective residents about life and career opportunities in Oulu.

Top-notch employ­ees from the Philip­pines

Julius Idian and Jayson Rillo moved to Oulu from the Philippines. “I love the way they have trust for Filipinos, even if we don’t speak Finnish.”

Join Us for the Leg­endary Board Games and Net­work­ing Night!

Are you ready to level up your social game? International House Oulu, in partnership with Bloom Finland, is happy to invite you to our monthly Board Games and Networking Night!

Oulu – the City of Work-Life Bal­ance

In this article, we interviewed a Brazilian – Beatriz Rocha – living in Oulu, Finland. We were curious to know what brought her here and ultimately made her stay.