News and events

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How Oulu sup­ports my career and sur­rounds me with nature

Hi! My name is Arjane, I’m from the Netherlands, and I moved to Finland in 2018. After living in Jyväskylä for a couple of years, I came to Oulu just over a year ago.

Nav­i­gat­ing Oulu through its dif­fer­ent sea­sons: adapt­ing to a new life in the North

Beatriz Rocha, 25, came here to do her master’s degree in Learning, Education and Technology. Currently, she works as a Marketing Trainee at BusinessOulu.

Tips for Job Search­ing Process

Would you like to learn more about Finnish work culture, the job application process, and where to find job opportunities? Are you wondering what to include in a job application?

The biggest sur­prise is when you don’t know what to expect

“Now that some time has passed since the trip, I understand even better how great an experience the month in Reunion was! It was such a unique experience that you did not even understand it there.”

Join the Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu Ambas­sador Team 2024!

International House Oulu ambassadors Pavani, Eduardo and Jun are looking for new team members. Will you be one of them?

Wel­come to the Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu Pre Christ­mas Par­ty

The enchanting snow has arrived, and the holiday buzz is in full swing! Join us for the International House Oulu's magical Pre-Christmas Party – an evening bursting with joy and fun!

ISS is look­ing for employ­ees for school, day­care and mul­ti­pur­pose facil­i­ties – and Eng­lish speak­ing employ­ees for clean­ing ser­vices!

Join us at the free JobCorner recruitment event on Monday, 4th December and get to know ISS Palvelut vacancies.

From Sici­ly to Oulu: How four Ital­ian stu­dents dis­cov­ered Finland’s beau­ty and cul­ture

Four adventurous Erasmus+ exchange students, Gabriele Romancini, Gaetano Carollo, Mattia Li Pira, and Riccardo Colucci, bid farewell to the scorching +30°C heat of Palermo, Sicily, and embarked on an exciting one-month journey to Oulu

From Film Indus­try to Oulu: Naida’s Adven­ture of New Begin­nings

In a world where individuals seek to experience new beginnings, Naida Valencia's story motivates the power of stepping out of one's comfort zone and welcoming the unknown. Originally moving from Seattle, Washington, Naida's journey led her to Oulu, Finland, where she found a new sense of belonging.

Meet Kevin Marples: our intern from the UK

Kevin Marples is originally from the UK and moved to Finland in 2022. Kevin has been working as an intern at International House, Oulu as part of his Integration Training Course.

Wel­come to an engag­ing Net­work­ing and Board Games Event at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu!

Connect, get information, mingle, and engage in an enjoyable evening of networking and board game excitement.

Inter­na­tion­al Tal­ent Days

University of Oulu, BusinessOulu along with Oulu Chamber of Commerce as part of their international week activities, are organizing the International Talent Days. Visits are at the companies premises during 14-16 of November.