Launch of the Building Health Competence Center Project and Expert Lecture 29.4.
Dear professional working with building health and indoor air quality,
You are warmly invited to the official launch and associated expert lecture of the Building Health Competence Center Project. The event will take place on April 29th at the Tellus Stage, University of Oulu.
During the day, we will:
• Initiate discussions on the future of the built environment and its health perspectives.
• Promote international collaboration and enhance dialogue between researchers and companies in the construction, healthcare, and ICT sectors.
• Present the project aimed at creating a world-class center of excellence and the necessary collaborative laboratory spaces.
The program includes a Keynote speech by Atze Boerstra on ‘Ventilation and air purification solutions to prevent cross-contamination of infectious diseases’. Additionally, we will introduce a Finnish innovation for ensuring healthy and safe indoor air.
The event is especially targeted at professionals in the construction industry, representatives in the ICT sector, and experts from the academic community who are committed to creating healthy, safe, and sustainable spaces.
In the spirit of May Day, we will offer mead and doughnuts, and the event will provide an excellent opportunity for networking.
Time and Place:
April 29th, 13:00–16:00
Tellus Stage, University of Oulu, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Linnanmaa, Oulu
For more information about the event and the registration form, please follow the REGISTER button.
Warmly welcome!
Kind regards,
Building and Civil Engineering Research Unit, University of Oulu, and the Building Cluster’s Healthy Spaces Team