Polar Bear Pitch­ing 29.2.2024

Join the Coolest Start­up Event in the World!

Polar Bear Pitch­ing Tick­ets Avail­able Now 🎟️

We’re thrilled to announce that tick­et sales for Polar Bear Pitch­ing 2024 are offi­cial­ly open, with ear­ly bear rates avail­able right now. Don’t miss your chance to secure your spot at the coolest start­up event in the world!

➡️ Secure Your Spot — Ear­ly Bear Tick­ets: https://polarbearpitching.com/tickets/

Polar Bear Pitch­ing Start­up Call Open 📣

Call­ing all trail­blaz­ing star­tups: the Avan­to Com­pe­ti­tion is now accept­ing appli­ca­tions! Show­case your deter­mi­na­tion to the whole world through an icy chal­lenge and join the com­mu­ni­ty of dar­ing entre­pre­neurs. The dead­line to apply is 21.12.23.

➡️ Apply for the Avan­to Com­pe­ti­tion: https://polarbearpitching.com/avanto-competition/

Check out the full pro­gram: Polar Bear Pitch­ing