PropTech cluster, digital innovations in the property and construction business

The aim of the project is to create a PropTech cluster in the Oulu region. This cluster will include companies, development organisations, and RDI (research, development, innovations) organisations. Based on a competence analysis of the cluster members, joint focus themes will be selected. Overarching themes in the actions of the cluster will include advancing low-carbon solutions and products, promoting digitalisation, and ensuring information and data security. The aim is to form an active and functional cluster which the members will want to further develop after this project.
The PropTech Oulu cluster will cooperate with PropTech Finland and international PropTech organisations. The aim with the international activities are to increase the visibility and export potential of companies in the Oulu region, and to attract international financing and development organisations to Oulu. The PropTech project has the aim to develop models for better utilisation of local piloting and development infrastructures such as the Hybrid laboratory at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Smart Campus, Business Asema, and the upcoming Housing Fair 2025 district in Oulu. This will be done through jointly selected demos (proof-of-concept) at the development sites. Also, new joint development projects and offerings will be identified. Competence and educational needs will be identified in the project, and an action plan will be made to ensure availability of competent workforce in the PropTech area.
The novelty value of the project is to identify present opportunities and challenges of the rather traditional and local property and construction sector, with the help of the strong, internationally active ICT sector in the Oulu region. The challenges will not be solved by a single operator but by many different companies and operatives.
The project is co-funded by the European Union.

Project partners
Oulu University of Applied Sciences and the University of Oulu
Project duration
1 May 2023 – 30 Apr 2025
419 107 €
More information
Tommi Kumpulainen
050 466 1680