Oulu-based health com­pa­nies res­pond to the Covid-19 chal­len­ge

The coro­na­vi­rus is chan­ging the world as we know it, but could the­re be some posi­ti­ve outco­mes of the cri­sis? As the situa­tion with the epi­de­mic began to wor­sen inter­na­tio­nal­ly, a quest to find new health solu­tions was ini­tia­ted. In Oulu, seve­ral pro­ducts and ser­vices have been adap­ted, and new ones deve­lo­ped, in order to cater for the emer­ging needs. People are staying indoors, busi­nes­ses are moving to vir­tual rea­li­ty, face-to-face inte­rac­tions are dra­ma­tical­ly reduced, and healthca­re sys­tems over­loa­ded. The­se chal­len­ges are met by Oulu-based com­pa­nies that bring to the mar­ket the inno­va­tions that can be used in the batt­le against the virus.

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