OuluHealth Labs
The aim of OuluHealth Labs is to promote the launch of user-friendly products and services on the market and thus enhance social and health care processes and the well-being of citizens. Thee are three different environments available.
Oys TestLab is an authentic, hospital-based development and testing environment where companies receive direct feedback on their product development from real users. Oulu University Hospital will use the lab to develop its processes and to model plans for the new Future Hospital currently under construction. Oys TestLab can simulate operating theatres, receptions, wards, control rooms, waiting rooms and so on. The facilities include 3D virtual space and 5G test network.
Oamk SimLab is a comprehensive simulation and studio environment that companies and partners can use as a testing and development environment in the product development of health technology and wellness services.
Oulu WelfareLab is a testing environment where the end users are in clients’ and patients’ homes and in the operational environment of social and health care services in the city. Both professionals in the sector and clients give direct feedback on a product that is under development.