
In 2030, eve­ry com­pa­ny is car­bon-wise

Sus­tai­nable, circu­lar eco­no­my-based busi­ness deve­lop­ment, i.e. car­bon-wise busi­ness design and deve­lop­ment will be “busi­ness as usual” in 2030. Oulu, toget­her with Tur­ku and Espoo, is invol­ved in the Car­bonWi­se pro­ject, which is a tool for car­bon-wise busi­ness design and deve­lop­ment. Car­bon-wise busi­ness deve­lop­ment con­sists of con­ti­nuo­us actions towards net posi­ti­vi­ty. Car­bon-wis­dom deli­vers sus­tai­nable com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge to both com­pa­nies and cities.

The Car­bonWi­se pro­ject enables com­pa­nies to deve­lop their busi­ness car­bon-wise as well as to invol­ve the­se actions in their mar­ke­ting com­mu­nica­tions trans­pa­rent­ly. The car­bon-wise cli­nics to be imple­men­ted during the pro­ject are desig­ned ensu­ring a pos­si­bi­li­ty for eve­ry com­pa­ny repre­sen­ting various busi­ness branc­hes to par­tici­pa­te. Com­pa­nies can par­tici­pa­te regard­less of whet­her the com­pa­ny is in the very begin­ning of trans­for­ming its busi­ness into car­bon-wise or alrea­dy advanced in trans­for­ming its orga­ni­sa­tion, ope­ra­tions, pro­ducts or ser­vices into car­bon-wise.

The Car­bonWi­se pro­ject ope­ra­tions in Oulu pro­vi­de com­pa­nies car­bon footprint calcu­la­tion with the help of expe­rienced pro­fes­sio­nals at car­bon footprint calcu­la­tion. The pro­ject also pro­vi­des com­pa­nies with tools and met­hods to reduce their car­bon footprint, as well as ways to imple­ment car­bon handprint and com­pen­sa­tion actions. In addi­tion, the pro­ject aims to encou­ra­ge com­pa­nies to build their brand and com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge based on a car­bon-wise stra­te­gy. Car­bonWi­se aims at crea­ting a new per­ma­nent ser­vice for car­bon-wise busi­ness design and deve­lop­ment.

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