
Care cells and auto­ma­tion

At Den­to­po­lis, citizens gets the help they need on one visit whi­le new tech­no­lo­gies and ope­ra­ting models sup­port the work of pro­fes­sio­nals. The­re are mul­tiple care cells at Den­to­po­lis, so calls “inde­pen­dent care units”. The ERP sys­tem mana­ges space and human resources as well as patient flows. At the same time, appropria­te care is ensu­red by appropria­te staf­fing.

The cells have a sys­tem for orde­ring supplies from a ware­house lift in the buil­ding with access ope­nings on each floor and shelf space of some 130 squa­re meters. Auto­ma­tic orders are deli­ve­red to suppliers based on balance trac­king and alert limits.  

In-house CADCAM sys­tems enable new digi­tal work flows, such as 3D model­ling for prost­he­tic work.