
Care cells and automa­tion

At Den­topo­lis, cit­i­zens gets the help they need on one vis­it while new tech­nolo­gies and oper­at­ing mod­els sup­port the work of pro­fes­sion­als. There are mul­ti­ple care cells at Den­topo­lis, so calls “inde­pen­dent care units”. The ERP sys­tem man­ages space and human resources as well as patient flows. At the same time, appro­pri­ate care is ensured by appro­pri­ate staffing.

The cells have a sys­tem for order­ing sup­plies from a ware­house lift in the build­ing with access open­ings on each floor and shelf space of some 130 square meters. Auto­mat­ic orders are deliv­ered to sup­pli­ers based on bal­ance track­ing and alert lim­its.  

In-house CADCAM sys­tems enable new dig­i­tal work flows, such as 3D mod­el­ling for pros­thet­ic work.