
Vaaleanpunainen polkupyörä ja pyöräilykypärä

The eAsioin­ti ser­vice is an all-onli­ne solu­tion for bene­fit applica­tions. An inha­bi­tant, an orga­niza­tion or a com­pa­ny can sub­mit their applica­tion onli­ne through sys­tem acce­le­ra­ted by auto­ma­tion. Appro­ved applica­tions will be forwar­ded for pay­ment by a robo­tic auto­ma­ted process with no furt­her delay.

The client may use the onli­ne por­tal to track the progress of their applica­tion. They can also be noti­fied of sig­ni­ficant deve­lop­ments through e‑mail.

Bene­fit grants by the City of Oulu will be the first field of applica­tion for the eAsioin­ti ser­vice. In futu­re years, it will also be uti­lized for other ser­vices, pos­sibly inclu­ding com­mu­nica­tions that requi­re strong iden­ti­fica­tion.

Solution site
