Gene­ra­tion Z and bey­ond

Kollaasi tavanomaisista käyttötavaroista

GenZ is a stra­te­gic pro­fi­ling the­me of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu (2018 — 2022), fun­ded by the Aca­de­my of Fin­land. GenZ aims to res­pond to the chal­len­ges rapid­ly deve­lo­ping new tech­no­lo­gies will have on human lives in the 21st cen­tu­ry. GenZ aims to strengt­hen human capa­bi­li­ties, antici­pa­te futu­re chal­len­ges and inc­rea­se human resi­lience through world-class inter­discipli­na­ry research wit­hin the iden­ti­fied the­mes. In the GenZ pro­ject, we do not want to take humans for gran­ted but turn this pers­pec­ti­ve insi­de out and ask the ques­tion dif­fe­rent­ly: What if the digi­tal futu­re was not dri­ven by digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies but by humans? What do we need to do to strengt­hen human skills and capa­bi­li­ties and to enable a human-dri­ven digi­tal futu­re?

GenZ aims to crea­te a world-class mul­ti­discipli­na­ry research-based GenZ Hub offe­ring trans­for­ma­ti­ve know-how to strengt­hen human capa­bi­li­ties, antici­pa­te futu­re chal­len­ges and inc­rea­se human resi­lience. GenZ Hub will orga­nize various acti­vi­ties, ini­tia­te a visi­tor pro­gram­me and col­la­bo­ra­te with local and inter­na­tio­nal sta­ke­hol­ders.

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