Intel­li­gent libra­ry of the futu­re

The door opens with your own libra­ry card.

Intel­li­gent and inde­pen­dent libra­ries extend libra­ry ope­ning hours, faci­li­ta­te ser­vice network plan­ning and impro­ve the deve­lop­ment of new elect­ro­nic libra­ry ser­vices. The upco­ming reform of the libra­ry arc­hi­ving sys­tem will inte­gra­te the achi­ve data­ba­ses of intel­li­gent libra­ries in a more con­sis­tent way and expand onli­ne libra­ry ser­vices. Upda­tes to school libra­ry data­ba­ses will inte­gra­te them in a vir­tual data­bank crea­ted by intel­li­gent libra­ries.
