
Natio­nal lear­ning plat­form and digi­tal peda­go­gy.

The aim of the MEDi­gi pro­ject is to har­mo­nize and moder­nize medical and den­tal trai­ning in the who­le count­ry with the help of digi­ta­liza­tion. The pro­ject will crea­te a nationwi­de lear­ning plat­form as well as elect­ro­nic lear­ning, exam and assess­ment mate­rial for basic medical and den­tal trai­ning. Teac­hers are offe­red digi­tal educa­tion and a digi­tal educa­tion model is crea­ted to ensu­re the digi­tal skills of teac­hers. The pro­ject will also inc­rea­se den­tists’ and doc­tors’ exper­ti­se in using elect­ro­nic tools (eHealth).

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