Oulu­BOT – new gene­ra­tion digi­tal cus­to­mer ser­vice

Oulu­BOT is more than a chat

The deve­lop­ment of Oulu­BOT solu­tion aims to pro­vi­de a ner­ve cen­ter for cus­to­mer ser­vice that is more mul­ti­face­ted than tra­di­tio­nal chat solu­tions and unders­tands cus­to­mer needs bet­ter than today. Oulu­BOT unders­tands mul­tiple lan­gua­ges and various dia­lects, and can uti­lize ima­ge recog­ni­tion and spa­tial infor­ma­tion. In addi­tion, Oulu­BOT is capable of direc­ting cus­to­mer con­tacts to other chat­bots or, if neces­sa­ry, direct­ly to the right expert. The solu­tion will be deve­lo­ped using inno­va­ti­ve procu­re­ment and it is deve­lo­ped on the basis of inno­va­ti­ve part­ners­hip.

Solution site
