panOU­LU – open & wire­less network

City is like a café – with free wifi!

panOU­LU is an open wire­less network in the city area. It was launced in 2003 and has been expan­ded seve­ral times over the years. At its best, the network is used eve­ry month by more than 60 000 indi­vi­dual users. Using the network is free of char­ge for its users, and it is pro­vi­ded in co-ope­ra­tion by the city of Oulu, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu, Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences, and seve­ral other actors in the area. The network has about 1,500 access points and covers the city’s main public areas, ser­vice points and cam­puses.

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