Pilo­ting city data fra­mework with Tur­ku City Data

Busi­ness­A­se­ma set up is put toget­her to sup­port solu­tion deve­lop­ment especial­ly for faci­li­ty mana­ge­ment tech­no­lo­gy (Prop­tech) branch. The space is pro­vi­ded with wide ran­ge of sen­sors, to col­lect data from the envi­ron­ment.  The data is saved into Azu­re – data­pool, pro­vi­ded by Oulun Digi.  This makes the data mana­ge­ment and proces­sing pos­sible in effec­ti­ve way. 

The goal of this pilot is to col­lect user expe­rience and bene­fits from data model­ling using know­led­ge graph, Arti­ficial Intel­li­gence (AI) and Mac­hi­ne Lear­ning (ML). Toget­her with Tur­ku City Data ( https://turkucitydata.fi/ )  col­lec­ted data will be com­bi­ned with for example address data­ba­se and traf­fic streams. Com­bi­ned data is then visua­lized accor­ding the users need.

Pilo­ting pro­vi­des also envi­ron­ment for inno­va­tion gat­he­rings and enables SME based solu­tion co-crea­tion in real city con­text.