Port of Oulu digi­tal twin

The digi­tal twin of the Port of Oulu is a modern and agi­le plat­form of dyna­mic infor­ma­tion that shows how the port ope­ra­tes, ser­ves and evol­ves. Based on the data col­lec­ted, the vir­tual model reports on the ope­ra­tions and the area in a diver­se way.

Infor­ma­tion is visua­lized in many ways, e.g. through ima­ges, videos, and simu­la­tion. For example, infor­ma­tion on weat­her con­di­tions, the move­ments of dif­fe­rent vehicles in the area, chan­ges in circums­tances or trans­port rou­tes caused by con­struc­tion pro­jects are col­lec­ted as visual, up-to-date infor­ma­tion for the use of the cus­to­mers, enti­re port eco­sys­tem and com­pa­nies throug­hout the logis­tics chain.

The digi­tal twin also enables the plan­ning and moni­to­ring of sea, rail and road traf­fic, using sha­pe recog­ni­tion of ships, trains and vehicles, obser­va­tion of con­di­tions, mode­ling of objects, accu­ra­te posi­tio­ning and forecas­ting of move­ments.

If neces­sa­ry, the col­lec­ted data can also be trans­fer­red out of the ser­vice with the help of data­ba­se searc­hes or trans­fer mate­rials, and in addi­tion, the infor­ma­tion can be uti­lized with ana­ly­tical tools, e.g. for berth and rail capaci­ty opti­miza­tion, car­go ope­ra­tion simu­la­tions, spa­tial plan­ning and other real-time needs. In the futu­re, the digi­tal twin will crea­te oppor­tu­ni­ties for the deve­lop­ment of auto­no­mous trans­port, dro­ne ser­vices and the use of arti­ficial intel­li­gence.

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