Child ‑friendly City Oulu

In order to be recognized as child-friendly, municipalities must systematically aim for structural changes through cross-sectoral cooperation. Children must have a chance to participate, and citizens have to be informed on the importance of child rights and services connected to them.
A smart and child-friendly city is a city that activates and engages families, children and young people.
A smart and child-friendly city is a city that is where children, young people and families are (the Internet, Mobile solutions, Chats).
A smart and child-friendly city is a city that provides for easy access to services 24/7.
A smart and child-friendly city is a city that connects people.
Oulu has:
- A digital platform for all matters, services and events for families (
- Online chats and chatbots (health care, family matters)
- Mobile apps for young people (NäppiÄppi)
- An online bulletin board for sharing up-to-date information on events for young people
Oulu will have:
A digital platform for all matters for young people (Nuorten Oulu)