Smart cities and wireless services
Smart cities of the future with their services are built on being wireless and efficient in using data. Cities are investing in various censor technologies and are looking for ways to apply the Internet of Things (IoT) in order to develop services. The project defines an open integration platform and open IoT interfaces that break vendor-specific boundaries and allow full utilization of information from various sources. The pilot environments of the project provide companies with the opportunity to research and develop their products and provide reference points for demonstrating their expertise.
The future operator-independent data integration platform (CityIoT) is a 6Aika project funded by the Regional Council of Helsinki-Uusimaa from the EU European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project is implemented by the University of Oulu, The City of Oulu, the City of Tampere, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, and Tampere University of Technology. The main implementer and coordinator of the project is the University of Oulu.