Mak­ing City

A house with solar panels on the roof and an electric vehicle being charged

Self-suf­fi­cien­cy with waste heat

Oulu is involved in an inter­na­tion­al mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary coop­er­a­tion net­work and build­ing new inno­v­a­tive ener­gy solu­tions. Kauko­vainio dis­trict in Oulu will be a pilot des­ti­na­tion for solu­tions. The pilot aims to demon­strate that a build­ing using inno­v­a­tive ener­gy solu­tions can be near­ly ener­gy self-suf­fi­cient when the waste heat it pro­duces can be uti­lized as effi­cient­ly as pos­si­ble. It also aims to cre­ate a new urban plan­ning mod­el and new busi­ness fuelled by inno­v­a­tive ener­gy solu­tions.