
Nation­al learn­ing plat­form and dig­i­tal ped­a­gogy.

The aim of the MEDi­gi project is to har­mo­nize and mod­ern­ize med­ical and den­tal train­ing in the whole coun­try with the help of dig­i­tal­iza­tion. The project will cre­ate a nation­wide learn­ing plat­form as well as elec­tron­ic learn­ing, exam and assess­ment mate­r­i­al for basic med­ical and den­tal train­ing. Teach­ers are offered dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion and a dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion mod­el is cre­at­ed to ensure the dig­i­tal skills of teach­ers. The project will also increase den­tists’ and doc­tors’ exper­tise in using elec­tron­ic tools (eHealth).