Onnikka — Per­ma­nent Weight Loss

A person looking at health data on a tablet compurer

Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu has devel­oped a ground­break­ing weight loss method, with which users can reduce per­ma­nent­ly their weight on aver­age by 5%, which is clin­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant result.

The weight loss method is called Onnikka. It is a web-based ser­vice, which helps peo­ple to change their behav­ior with the help of per­sua­sive soft­ware design. Users are gen­tly guid­ed to observe and reflect on their habits, feel­ings and behav­ior, and mak­ing changes to their lifestyles. This pro­duces per­ma­nent weight loss. Onnikka has been care­ful­ly designed with week­ly rhythm for pro­vid­ed tasks and infor­ma­tion and opti­mized for long-term and healthy weight loss.

Onnikka design is based on Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu research on inter­nal med­i­cine, behav­ioral sci­ences and per­sua­sive soft­ware design. A new, smart­phone opti­mized ver­sion has recent­ly been devel­oped and pilot­ed. The ser­vice became pub­licly avail­able in spring 2022.