Open data and inter­faces

Six cities and data made avail­able

Helsin­ki, Espoo, Van­taa, Tam­pere, Turku and Oulu made their pub­lic data avail­able in the Open data and inter­faces (6Aika) project that end­ed on 31 Decem­ber 2017. The aim was to cre­ate com­mon mod­els for mak­ing data avail­able, make inter­faces avail­able and to facil­i­tate the use of open data in busi­ness. This work was done in dif­fer­ent cities at the same time and in the same way. As a result, coop­er­a­tion between cities and busi­ness­es increased sig­nif­i­cant­ly. After the pri­or­i­ty project was com­plet­ed, data avail­abil­i­ty con­tin­ued as part of the core busi­ness of cities.

6Aika, logo.