Pilot­ing city data frame­work with Turku City Data

Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma set up is put togeth­er to sup­port solu­tion devel­op­ment espe­cial­ly for facil­i­ty man­age­ment tech­nol­o­gy (Proptech) branch. The space is pro­vid­ed with wide range of sen­sors, to col­lect data from the envi­ron­ment.  The data is saved into Azure – dat­apool, pro­vid­ed by Oulun Digi.  This makes the data man­age­ment and pro­cess­ing pos­si­ble in effec­tive way. 

The goal of this pilot is to col­lect user expe­ri­ence and ben­e­fits from data mod­el­ling using knowl­edge graph, Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (AI) and Machine Learn­ing (ML). Togeth­er with Turku City Data ( https://turkucitydata.fi/ )  col­lect­ed data will be com­bined with for exam­ple address data­base and traf­fic streams. Com­bined data is then visu­al­ized accord­ing the users need.

Pilot­ing pro­vides also envi­ron­ment for inno­va­tion gath­er­ings and enables SME based solu­tion co-cre­ation in real city con­text.