Ser­vice plat­forms for chil­dren and youth

Lap­su­us (Child­hood) ser­vice plat­form

The ser­vice plat­form is tar­get­ed to fam­i­lies, offer­ing knowl­edge and infor­ma­tion about var­i­ous top­ics and ser­vices to sup­port well­be­ing and life man­age­ment. The ser­vice plat­form is based on a mul­ti-pro­duc­er mod­el and the por­tal includes munic­i­pal, pri­vate and organ­i­sa­tion­al ser­vices. Var­i­ous inter­face solu­tions and chat­bot AI have been utilised in the real­i­sa­tion of the ser­vice plat­form.

Nuorten Oulu (Oulu for Youth) por­tal

The City of Oulu youth ser­vices are renew­ing their online ser­vices for youth, gath­er­ing all dig­i­tal ser­vices under a sin­gle web por­tal. The vast enti­ty is based on a ser­vice plat­form con­cept where a sin­gle por­tal offers all the nec­es­sary con­tent for youth, their close ones, and pro­fes­sion­als alike.

The idea is that young peo­ple can pro­duce text, images and video con­tent for the new online ser­vice them­selves. A search engine to be devel­oped for the por­tal will help the young to find the most suit­able ser­vices for their indi­vid­ual needs. The engine can pre­dict search terms and fil­ter the rel­e­vant con­tent, ser­vices, self-help instruc­tions and Q&A top­ics for the user accord­ing­ly. The search engine is linked to the portal’s chat ser­vice, so that the user can be direct­ed to con­tact the prop­er pro­fes­sion­al accord­ing to the young person’s life sit­u­a­tion and relat­ed key­words.