Soft­ware robot­ics in con­struc­tion super­vi­sion

A robot or a stamp? Or both?

The build­ing con­struc­tion super­vi­sion in Oulu exper­i­ment­ed with soft­ware robot­ics for stamp­ing the main draw­ings of elec­tron­ic per­mits, export­ing them into an elec­tron­ic archive as well as request­ing an elec­tron­ic sig­na­ture from deci­sion-mak­ers. The aim of uti­liz­ing soft­ware robot­ics was to reduce the work­load of rou­tine tasks as they required many dif­fer­ent tasks and press­ing of but­tons in two dif­fer­ent IT sys­tems. The goal was to make the work of users more mean­ing­ful by get­ting rid of fre­quent­ly recur­ring tasks and by reduc­ing the human error that could be caused by rou­tines.

Based on the good expe­ri­ence, soft­ware robots were intro­duced into pro­duc­tion in ear­ly 2019.