Trial ser­vices

Trial ser­vices are tai­lo­red accor­ding to your needs. We will find a sui­table envi­ron­ment for your trial and plan the met­hod of its execu­tion.

Business­Oulu trial ser­vices

Fast trials in Oulu speed up the crea­tion of new things and bring pro­to­ty­pes to prac­tical tes­ting in a real envi­ron­ment with real users. You will quickly get valuable feed­back on how your ser­vice or pro­duct works in a genui­ne envi­ron­ment, what kind of part­ners your busi­ness requi­res, and if your plan­ned busi­ness and reve­nue gene­ra­tion models are rea­lis­tic. The trials also give com­pa­nies valuable mar­ket refe­rences and visi­bi­li­ty in dif­fe­rent media.

Are you in need of a trial? We can help you find a sui­table trial envi­ron­ment and reach poten­tial test users. Fill in this form, and we shall be in touch.

Read more about Business­Oulu ser­vices

More infor­ma­tion

Pir­jo Kos­ki­nie­mi
Mana­ger, Open Inno­va­tion Ser­vices
040 592 5375

Lii­sa Pie­ti­käi­nen
Specia­list, Open Inno­va­tion Ser­vices
040 7050 473