Barcelona Smart City Expo 2024 — info-Teams for com­pa­nies

Com­pa­nies from Oulu offer­ing smart city solu­tions — come with us to Barcelona for the Smart City Expo in Novem­ber!

Expo info for com­pa­nies on 12th June at 13.00, order Teams-link:

Business­Oulu is look­ing for Oulu-based com­pa­nies who want to bring their own smart city solu­tions to the atten­tion of inter­na­tion­al mar­kets and cities, for City of Oulu’s booth at Nordic Pavil­ion.

Smart City Expo World Con­gress is the world’s biggest and most influ­en­tial event on urban inno­va­tion. The event con­nects lead­ers from glob­al com­pa­nies, gov­ern­ments, and orga­ni­za­tions to move cities towards a bet­ter future. Smart City Expo is held annu­al­ly in Barcelona, this year 5th- 7th Novem­ber.

More about the event: The com­pa­nies select­ed for Oulu’s Expo booth do not pay for their par­tic­i­pa­tion at the expo, the com­pa­ny only pays for its representative’s own trav­el and accom­mo­da­tion expens­es.

Want to join us?

Tune in on 12.6. at 1pm to a quick info-Teams, where rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Busi­ness­Fin­land and Business­Oulu talk about the Expo and what it can offer to com­pa­nies and how to reserve for a spot for your com­pa­ny.

Order the Teams link for info-Teams here:

More info:

Ari Saine

Maria Vuoren­so­la