Launch of the Build­ing Health Com­pe­tence Cen­ter Project and Expert Lec­ture 29.4.

Dear pro­fes­sion­al work­ing with build­ing health and indoor air qual­i­ty,

You are warm­ly invit­ed to the offi­cial launch and asso­ci­at­ed expert lec­ture of the Build­ing Health Com­pe­tence Cen­ter Project. The event will take place on April 29th at the Tel­lus Stage, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu.

Dur­ing the day, we will:

• Ini­ti­ate dis­cus­sions on the future of the built envi­ron­ment and its health per­spec­tives.

• Pro­mote inter­na­tion­al col­lab­o­ra­tion and enhance dia­logue between researchers and com­pa­nies in the con­struc­tion, health­care, and ICT sec­tors.

• Present the project aimed at cre­at­ing a world-class cen­ter of excel­lence and the nec­es­sary col­lab­o­ra­tive lab­o­ra­to­ry spaces.

The pro­gram includes a Keynote speech by Atze Boer­stra on ‘Ven­ti­la­tion and air purifi­ca­tion solu­tions to pre­vent cross-con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of infec­tious dis­eases’. Addi­tion­al­ly, we will intro­duce a Finnish inno­va­tion for ensur­ing healthy and safe indoor air.

The event is espe­cial­ly tar­get­ed at pro­fes­sion­als in the con­struc­tion indus­try, rep­re­sen­ta­tives in the ICT sec­tor, and experts from the aca­d­e­m­ic com­mu­ni­ty who are com­mit­ted to cre­at­ing healthy, safe, and sus­tain­able spaces.

In the spir­it of May Day, we will offer mead and dough­nuts, and the event will pro­vide an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for net­work­ing.

Time and Place:
April 29th, 13:00–16:00
Tel­lus Stage, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu, Pent­ti Kait­er­an katu 1, Lin­nan­maa, Oulu

For more infor­ma­tion about the event and the reg­is­tra­tion form, please fol­low the REGISTER but­ton.

Warm­ly wel­come!

Kind regards,
Build­ing and Civ­il Engi­neer­ing Research Unit, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu, and the Build­ing Clus­ter’s Healthy Spaces Team