Oulu Meta­verse Strat­e­gy Day 11.3.2024

Oulu Meta­verse Strat­e­gy Day 11.3.2024

Meta­verse is a future phe­nom­e­non that con­nects the dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal worlds in new ways. It cre­ates new oppor­tu­ni­ties for many dif­fer­ent sec­tors. Fin­land has been a pio­neer in cre­at­ing a meta­verse strat­e­gy since 2023 (https://www.digitalfinland.org).

This event is the start of the Meta­verse strat­e­gy work for the Oulu region. Come and hear what Meta­verse is and what it means for all of us. You will be able to par­tic­i­pate in shap­ing the vision and goals for our region.

The event is also aimed at experts from tra­di­tion­al sec­tors who want to stay on top of the times and take advan­tage of the busi­ness and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties offered by Meta­verse. The event includes inter­est­ing speech­es from experts in the field.

Reserve your seat by 4th March.: https://www.lyyti.in/OuluMetaverseStrategyDay

More infor­ma­tion: Jani Val­lirinne, jani.vallirinne@vtt.fi


8.30 Cof­fee and break­fast
9.00 Open­ing speech: What is Meta­verse, Finnish Strat­e­gy, why Oulu Strat­e­gy? (Jani Vallirinne/UOulu,VTT)
9.20 Busi­ness Fin­land overview (Jani Jokitalo/BusinessFinland)
9.40 Immer­sive Dig­i­tal Life mis­sion (San­ni Siltanen/BusinessFinland)
10.00 Cof­fee break
10.20 Nokia new cam­pus – a gate to the Meta­verse (Tapio Koivukangas/Nokia)
10.40 Oulu Meta­verse Super Pro­gram (Ari Saine/BusinessOulu)
11.00 Dis­cus­sion
11.50 Wrap up (Jani Val­lirinne)
12.00 Lunch break
13.00 Oulu strate­gic posi­tion (Jus­si Lep­onie­mi, Business­Oulu)
13.30 — 15.00 Work­shop tracks:

15.00 Wrap up and next steps (Jani Val­lirinne)