Series of arti­cles #1: Dig­i­tal gamechang­er? How Europe’s cities are adapt­ing to the impact of COVID-19 on jobs and skills

A person looking at health data on a tablet compurer

What last­ing impact will the pan­dem­ic have on jobs and skills across Europe’s cities?

This ques­tion is at the cen­tre of an arti­cle link­ing the work of the Jobs and Skills and Dig­i­tal tran­si­tion Part­ner­ships of the Urban Agen­da for the EU.

Writ­ten by expert Eddy Adams, Dig­i­tal Gamechang­er is the first of series of arti­cles based on the work of the 14 Part­ner­ships of the Urban Agen­da for the EU

Organ­ised under the Pro­duc­tive city dimen­sion of the New Leipzig Char­ter, it looks at how Euro­pean cities have been adapt­ing to the impact of COVID-19 on jobs.

About the series of arti­cles

Struc­tured around the three city dimen­sions of the New Leipzig Char­ter (the Pro­duc­tive, the Green and the Just City), the arti­cles link Part­ner­ships’ actions and activ­i­ties with oth­er rel­e­vant EU projects and ini­tia­tives sup­port­ed by Cohe­sion Pol­i­cy (includ­ing Urban Inno­v­a­tive Actions, URBACT or Arti­cle 7 cities ben­e­fit­ting from ERDF).

The arti­cles demon­strate the key role of cities in the Urban Agen­da for the EU and focus on spe­cif­ic actions they have led and imple­ment­ed.

Over­all, the arti­cles aim at show­cas­ing prac­tices and experiences on how dif­fer­ent tools and fund­ing sup­port can help cities face their chal­lenges in a strate­gic way towards sus­tain­able urban devel­op­ment.

Have a look at the arti­cle attached!