Solar plant plus energy consumption related learning environment deployed at Kaukovainio School

A solar power station has been built on the roof of Kaukovainio School in Oulu this spring. The plant was completed in May with an output of 15 kWp (kilowatts peak), and the goal is to cover about half of the building’s power consumption during the summer with it.
In addition to the new solar plant, ten separate spaces in the building will house sensors that measure the amount of carbon dioxide along with room temperature. Water consumption in the gym’s locker rooms is monitored with special sensors.
The output of the plant, data from the sensors, and the total consumption of water and heating will be included in a learning environment that the school pupils may utilise in their studies. The energy consumption will be made visible to the pupils and it can be used in teaching for various calculation exercises, for example.
The sensor network in the building will be completed over the summer, and the learning environment will be introduced as school recommences in the autumn.
In the future, also return heat from the district heating system will be utilised in the school building.
These actions are part of the Making City project which is funded through the Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) theme of the Horizon 2020 programme.