
H2School — hydro­gen know­led­ge to dif­fe­rent orga­niza­tions

H2School-pro­ject will gene­ra­te infor­ma­tion and educa­tio­nal mate­rial about hydro­gen, its pos­si­bi­li­ties, usa­ge, sto­ring, safe­ty issues and it’s use in full sca­le industrial applica­tions.

This infor­ma­tion is nee­ded in various levels of educa­tion for ope­ra­tors, tech­nical staff, engi­neers and even mana­ge­ment pur­po­ses to enable new thin­king and new ways of ope­ra­ting to reduce the use of car­bon based fuels and raw mate­rials.

The green chan­ge from car­bon to hydro­gen will requi­re new kind of know­led­ge and skills for various acti­vi­ties in the socie­ty, focusing on chan­ges in the atti­tu­de through educa­tion and pro­vi­ding new met­hods for next gene­ra­tion industrial solu­tions.

Through educa­tion, the pro­ject aims to inc­rea­se the num­ber of skil­led per­son­nel who are capable of addres­sing the chal­len­ges of hydro­gen tech­no­lo­gy. It also aims to rai­se awa­re­ness among tar­get groups about the use and safe­ty of hydro­gen in various applica­tions.

The use of hydro­gen pre­sents not only sig­ni­ficant oppor­tu­ni­ties but also subs­tan­tial tech­nical chal­len­ges, not to men­tion safe­ty concerns. Wit­hout pro­per trai­ning, com­pa­nies can­not par­tici­pa­te in the hydro­gen eco­no­my.

Pro­ject part­ners:

Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu, Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences, Educa­tio­nal Con­sor­tium OSAO

Pro­ject dura­tion:

1.9.2023 — 31.8.2026

Pro­ject bud­get:

413 028 €

More infor­ma­tion:

Lau­ra Piht­sal­mi
050 475 9053