Knowl­edge-based inno­va­tion plat­forms (TIA)

Knowl­edge-based inno­va­tion plat­forms are ser­vices tar­get­ed for com­pa­nies. In these plat­forms, fore­sight and mar­ket infor­ma­tion are inte­grat­ed as part of oth­er busi­ness ser­vices togeth­er with co-cre­ation and exper­i­ment ser­vices. Chal­lenge-based inno­va­tion events imple­ment­ed with open inno­va­tion prin­ci­ples are not just one-off events – they become ser­vice pack­ages which are easy for com­pa­nies to utilise. Exper­i­ment and devel­op­ment envi­ron­ments take shape based on the
needs of the busi­ness. The ecosys­tems in Oulu Inno­va­tion Alliance are devel­oped by includ­ing busi­ness in the inno­va­tion activ­i­ties.

Project part­ners

City of Oulu / Business­Oulu

Project dura­tion

1 May 2023 – 28 Feb 2025

Project bud­get

331 282 €

Project part­ners

Pir­jo Koskinie­mi
040 592 5375