Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu Celebra­tes Its One Year Anni­ver­sa­ry – Birth­day Celebra­tions Throug­hout All of April

Celebra­ting its birth­day month, Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu (IH Oulu) is mar­king its one-year jour­ney in sty­le throug­hout April. All city resi­dents are welco­me to join the fes­ti­vi­ties.

Imme­dia­te­ly after Eas­ter, the fun kicks off at Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu. Ins­tead of just a birth­day celebra­tion, IH Oulu will be hos­ting a birth­day month, with an April fil­led joy­ous occa­sions.

A varie­ty of events are plan­ned, all taking place at Busi­ness­A­se­ma. First up is a volun­teer fair on Wed­nes­day, April 3rd, star­ting at 5 PM. The event is open to all, par­ticu­lar­ly tho­se inte­res­ted in explo­ring volun­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties in Oulu.

At this English-spea­king event, atten­dees will have the chance to meet repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from orga­niza­tions offe­ring volun­teer work and network with other indi­vi­duals. Volun­teer wor­kers will sha­re their expe­riences on sta­ge, and seve­ral associa­tions , such as Vuol­le, the Fin­nish Red Cross, Oulun Dia­ko­nis­sa­lai­tos, TEDxOu­lu, Star­tupRe­fu­gees, and Bloom Oulu, will be pre­sent offe­ring volun­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Regi­stra­tion is requi­red for this event and others at IH Oulu due to cate­ring. The­re will be a link at the end of this article that pro­vi­des more infor­ma­tion and allows regi­stra­tion for the volun­teer fair. Addi­tio­nal­ly, a list of IH Oulu’s April events is pro­vi­ded, all of which are free.

Would you be inte­res­ted in par­tici­pa­ting, for example, in Busi­nes­sOu­lu’s Inter­na­tio­nal Career Day or The World’s Lar­gest Com­pa­ny Visit?

The grand fina­le of the birth­day month is an eve­ning celebra­tion sche­du­led for Thurs­day, April 25th. Until then, the­re’s also a celebra­to­ry draw with a fan­tas­tic prize. Learn more about the draw here.

What’s in sto­re for IH Oulu in the coming year?

One-year-old Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu has establis­hed itself as a ver­sa­ti­le ser­vice cen­ter, brin­ging toget­her various ser­vices under one roof at Busi­ness­A­se­ma – right in the heart of Oulu, next to the railway sta­tion.

Sup­port and gui­dance are avai­lable for immi­grants, inter­na­tio­nal indi­vi­duals plan­ning to move to Oulu, and com­pa­nies loo­king to rec­ruit inter­na­tio­nal emplo­yees.

– In IH Oulu’s first year, a lot has hap­pe­ned. I am par­ticu­lar­ly plea­sed with our events, which have been very diver­se and huge­ly popu­lar. We have a real­ly com­pe­tent team with whom plan­ning and imple­men­ting events is real­ly enjo­y­able, says coor­di­na­tor Riku­pek­ka Lei­no­nen.

– It has also been great to see that the feed­back from the­se events have been very posi­ti­ve. Feed­back should and must con­ti­nue to be given in the futu­re, Riku­pek­ka adds.

Board game and networ­king events, orga­nized month­ly with Bloom Oulu, have recei­ved par­ticu­lar­ly good feed­back. Par­tici­pants have enjo­yed the­se events, even fin­ding new friends during game nights and gai­ning up-to-date infor­ma­tion. For Fin­nish-spea­king resi­dents of Oulu, the­se networ­king events are an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet inter­na­tio­nal people and per­haps prac­tice English.

You can read more about the atmosp­he­re of game nights here.

Next board game night is coming up on Wed­nes­day, April 10th, fea­tu­ring a brief over­view of free fes­ti­vals and other events orga­nized by the City of Oulu.

Loo­king bey­ond April, what’s in sto­re for Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu in the futu­re?

– For our second year, I expect that we will once again reach new people at our events, deve­lop our advi­so­ry ser­vices even furt­her, and col­la­bo­ra­te with new part­ners, says Riku­pek­ka.

We are exci­ted to celebra­te our Birth­day Month with you

Welco­me to the celebra­tion events at Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu throug­hout the fes­ti­ve month.

Below you will find a list of all of the events taking place in April. Be sure to regis­ter for any of the events that spark your inte­rest! Some events will be upda­ted during April.