News and events

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Shilpa’s Trans­for­ma­tion: From Trop­i­cal Heat to Oulu’s Win­ter Won­ders

In May 2021, my family and I made the big move to Oulu.

My Life in Oulu: Reflec­tions on a New Begin­ning

My name is Carmen Corvalán, my story with Finland began in 2014 when I started visiting with my husband.

Rein­vent­ing Myself: A Sto­ry of Resilience, Growth, and New Begin­nings

My name is Adriana Vitorino and for the first 44 years of my life, Brazil was my home.

Autumn Net­work­ing & Game Night: Sus­tain­abil­i­ty, Hot Drinks, and New Con­nec­tions

International House Oulu is hosting another Networking and Game Night, and we’re excited to welcome Eduardo Acosta, PhD researcher from the University of Oulu, who will share his insights on sustainability.

Love Brought Me to Oulu: A Per­son­al Tale of Life in Fin­land

Manisha, originally from Nepal, got married in 2021 and moved to Finland with her husband, and it has now been three years since she has been living here in Oulu.

Don’t miss the most impor­tant recruit­ment event of the year – Mega­Match­mak­ing offers hun­dreds of open jobs

The MegaMatchmaking event at Tullisali in Oulu on Wednesday, September 25th, from 9 AM to 3 PM offers inspiring speeches, hundreds of job offers, and diverse networking opportunities.

Find­ing Home in Oulu: My Jour­ney from Colom­bia to the Far North

I’m Jessica Segura Polo, and I come from Colombia. I’m married to a doctoral researcher at the University of Oulu.

From Ker­ala to Oulu: Embrac­ing a New Life

My family's relocation to Oulu in June 2023 for my husband's job was a surprising turn of events. Coming from Kerala in Southern India, a world away from snow and winters, I never imagined living in Finland, says Manju Krishna.

Board Games & Net­work­ing Event – It’s Gonna Be Leg­endary

Attention, all game enthusiasts and legends! The event that has already earned the title of legendary is back, and this time we’re taking it to a whole new level.

Becom­ing a Mag­net to Employ­ers: Learn­ing from Luku­manu Iddrisu

The MegaMatchmaking event in Oulu, one of Finland's largest recruitment fairs, is set to inspire job seekers and employers alike on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Among the distinguished speakers is Lukumanu Iddrisu.