News and events

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The Re-Edu­ca­tion of Bev Adero

Hi. My name is Adero. I am an afro-millennial designer from Kenya. I currently serve as an ambassador for International House Oulu.

Tips for Job Search­ing Process

Would you like to learn more about Finnish working culture, the job searching process, and where to find job opportunities? Are you wondering what to include in a job application?

Home Here and Abroad: What Made Dual Cit­i­zen Timo Stay in Fin­land?

American-Finnish Timo Green, who has lived in the United States and Italy, was waiting for the right moment to move to his second home country, Finland. Timo believes that in Finland he has found a home for the rest of his life.

Trans­form­ing Recruit­ment: Anna-Mai­ja Västilä on the Future of Job Hunt­ing at Mega­Match­mak­ing 2024

In MegaMatchmaking 2024 recruitment professional Anna-Maija Västilä will speak about more humane job seeking and how all of us can harness our full potential when it comes to job-hunting.

“For me, the ques­tion is what made me stay in Fin­land” – in Fin­land Irantzu found her pur­pose

Finland offers everything that Irantzu Garces Munarriz needs in life: meaningful relationships, a gratifying job at the University of Oulu, and time for living life – thanks to Oulu’s peaceful soul.

New loca­tion for Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu

We are moving! Starting September 2, International House Oulu, along with BusinessAsema services, will be relocating to the Technopolis City Center campus.

Free-of-cost hobby‑, leisure- and cul­ture activ­i­ties in Oulu

Are you wondering about what to do in Oulu in your free time? Don’t fret – within this article you will find all free leisure-, culture-, and hobby activities that can be found in Oulu.

“Here I have every­thing that makes me hap­py” – Monika’s jour­ney from Poland to the peace of Oulu

Monika Cwiek moved to Finland in 2020. From Oulu, Monika has found a home where everything just fell into a right place. But who Monika is and what are the reasons behind enjoying life in Oulu?

Chas­ing the Auro­ras: Anibal’s jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery and com­mu­ni­ty

Meet Anibal, an IT student at OAMK, who moved from Santiago’s lively and busy streets to Oulu to search for a new life. 3 years later, sitting on top of a hill, Anibal looked out to the sky with their friends, and discovered what life is all about.

Finnish Study Resources for Every Lev­el

Studying the Finnish language is a major part of integrating and learning more about the Finnish culture.

Dis­cov­er Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo: Your Gate­way to Active Liv­ing

Welcome to Liikuntavälinelainaamo, the premier sports equipment lending service in Oulu, located at the heart of the Limingantulli recycling center, Likke.

Tak­ing the Leap: Ladislav’s Jour­ney to a Bet­ter Life

What happens, when you take a leap into the unknown, leaving your own life behind in search of something new? Meet Ladislav, the current Head of Operations in Bloom Finland, who moved in Oulu inspired by Oulu’s peaceful nature.