News and events

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Join Us for a Unique Net­work­ing and Board Games Evening

This pre-Valentine’s Day event is about celebrating love and friendship in a unique and engaging way.

High­lights of the Työn­taita­jak­si 2024 event

Työntaitajiksi 2024 – the professional and working-life event for young people – was more versatile and entertaining than before.

Vil­la Vic­tor Cof­fee Club

Welcome to chat at Villa's coffee club on Wednesdays from 14:00 to 16:00!

Vil­laa ylle – Mul­ti­cul­tur­al Knit­ting and Cro­chet­ing Club

Welcome to spend cozy Friday mornings with knitting needles, crocheting hooks and casual chat!

Pop-up ser­vices at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu

International House Oulu is well known for gathering a range of guidance and advisory services for international customers under one roof.

If you are look­ing for employ­ment or study oppor­tu­ni­ties, the Työn­taita­jik­si event is the right match for you

The professional and working-life event for young people is coming soon – even more versatile and entertaining than before.

Cold Win­ters, Warm Hearts: My Finnish Adven­ture

Eduardo Acosta, originally from Colombia, is researching circular economy at the University of Oulu. He is also an International House Oulu Ambassador.

Inte­gra­tion into Finnish soci­ety through edu­ca­tion – Study oppor­tu­ni­ties in Oulu

The Study opportunities in Oulu event aimed to guide participants in language learning, part-time and short-term studies, university programs, and specialized initiatives for immigrant parents.

The First Net­work­ing and Board Games Event of 2024

International House Oulu and Bloom proudly present the first Networking and Board Games Event of 2024!

Wel­come to the Study Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Oulu Event

If you are considering a career change, further education or Finnish language studies – this event is for you.

From Tehran to Oulu – The Inspir­ing Path of Sara Saroukhani

Sara studied her master´s degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Oulu. She is currently working in KONE as a material specialist.

Vasilii’s Jour­ney to Oulu: A Sto­ry of Aca­d­e­m­ic Pur­suit and Cul­tur­al Inte­gra­tion

Vasilii Balanov visited Oulu for the first time in November 2019, when he was about to commence his internship at the University of Oulu. In St. Petersburg he studied a master’s programme in microelectronics, which required an internship abroad. After a careful evaluation, he decided to apply to Finland.