Support for Oulu Innovation Alliance’s EU project applications Grant application 2024 opened
The OIA Operational Management Team opened a grant application on January 22, 2024 to support direct EU project funding applications (competitive funding, e.g. Horizon, which can be applied for throughout the EU).
One project application is supported with a maximum of €20,000. A total of €120,000 in funding is available during 2024. The grant can be used for writing costs of project applications, or, for example, travel expenses related to preparation. Grants are awarded to project applications whose deadline is by the end of February 2025. Note. Receiving support requires that the application is submitted as planned by the deadline of the application, to the EU call mentioned in the application (i.e. money cannot be transferred to other applications). The support is paid after the costs have been incurred, in one instalment, up to the maximum amount granted.
The application is open continuously from January 22, 2024 to August 12, 2024.
The first application processing day is February 23, 2024: applications received by 12.00 noon on that day will be processed by the end of February. The second processing day is August 12, 2024 and applications received by 12.00 noon on that day will be processed by the end of August.
Grant applications must include 1) a concise project description and 2) a summary of the following:
1. A concise description of the project for which EU funding is sought (1–3 pages ppt/word) and the significance of the grant sought for the application process.
2. A summary page (max 1 ppt) detailing the following:
A. EU-Call where funding is sought, application deadline. The application deadline must be no later than February 28, 2025.
B. Project name and a 1–2 sentence summary of the project content.
C. Connection to the OIA flagship program and strategy implementation.
D. Applicant’s role in the project, estimated budget.
E. Amount of project funding applied for and what the money is intended to be used for.
Project funding applications are uploaded to:
Title the application attachments as follows: EU project funding_Hakijan surname_Organization
For the spring, the deadline is February 23, 2024 at 12.00 noon (1st processing day). Decisions on supported preparations will be made at the end of February in the OIA Operational Management Team meeting, after which applicants will be notified of the decisions.
The second processing day is August 12, 2024, and applications received by 12.00 noon on that day will be processed by the end of August.
TIP: The applicant should contact the leader of the flagship program whose goals the applied EU project promotes. The OIA flagship program leader, together with his team, considers which applications are submitted, i.e. which best promotes the MWB/roadmap of the OIA flagship program in question. If there are project drafts that touch on several flagship program themes, coordinate/consult and prioritize projects with these flagship programs to direct them to this. Contact information for OIA flagship programs is available at
More information:
Maria Vuorensola
Oulun innovaatioallianssi
BusinessOulu/ Oulun kaupunki
p.040 7601288